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This page was created to assist you in completing the essential documents needed to secure employment.  

Prior to beginning your job search, you will need the following:​

Reference Sheet
Cover Letter
Thank you Letter



The file below will help you gather the information you need in order to build your resume. Download, print, and fill it out using pen or pencil or type right on the form.


Why are they important?

On average, employers spend 15 to 45 seconds reviewing a resume. In this increasingly competitive job market, your resume should look professional, be error free and be easy to read. Your resume is a marketing tool for yourself and its purpose is to earn you an interview. Even the smallest error can eliminate you from consideration.

Please note: As a high school student, your resume should not be longer than one page.

Resume Templates

Creating a resume can be very difficult and stressful.  Below you will find templates you can use as a way to get started. After you download the template file, be sure to edit ALL information to make it your own.

Example 1:

From a person with some work experience.

Uses a professional summary.

Example 3:

From a person with work experience, but none in the career path they are working towards. Uses an objective.

Example 2:

From a person with no work experience. Uses an objective.

Example 4:

From a person with some work experience. Uses a professional summary.


When applying for a job, a common request from employers is a list of professional references. The people you choose for your reference list could be the difference between getting and not getting a job.

Top 5 people you SHOULD list as a reference:

  • Former Employer

  • Colleague (Co-Worker)

  • Teacher

  • Advisor (Mentor)

  • Supervisor

Top 5 people you SHOULD NOT list as a reference:

  • Family Members

  • Anyone who has fired you

  • Friends / Roommates

  • People you do not know

  • Anyone who is not expecting a call from a potential employer

Reference Templates

Below you will find templates you can use as a way to get started on a reference sheet. After you download the template file, be sure to edit ALL information to make it your own.

Please note: The headers on the resume and references sheet should match.

Example 1:

Example 3:

Example 2:

Example 4:



Often a cover letter is the first contact you have with a prospective employer. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself to an organization. You should  express your interest in the company or a specific vacancy, draw attention to your resume and motivate the reader to interview you. An organized neat, concise, well-written letter can entice the employer to read your resume with greater interest and will improve your chances of earning an interview.


What to include in your cover letter:

  • An introduction (Who are you? Why are you writing to them?)

  • Mention the kind of job or specific position you are applying for and why you are interested in working for them

  • Demonstrate how your skills and experience match the skills and experience needed  to do the job

  • Encourage the reader to review your resume

  • Finish with a request - for example, ask for an interview or a meeting

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Thank You


Don't overlook this simple, yet important part of the interview process. Thanking an employer, in writing, within 24 hours after an interview, is incredibly important. Nearly 70% of hiring managers say ungrateful job seekers are jeopardizing their own candidacy (Source: Is it ok to send a thank you via email? Yes, especially if you have already been communicating with the employer via email.


Five reasons to send a thank you letter after an interview:

  • Creates an opportunity to re-connect with the employer and increases your odds of remaining a candidate

  • Your gratitude will set you apart from other candidates

  • Writing to them gives you another chance to sell your strengths in a professional way

  • Gives you an opportunity to convey information you forgot to discuss during the interview

  • It can help you develop rapport and increases the employer’s comfort level in your candidacy

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

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